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Sister Sites
Torah for the Whole House of Israel
The five foundational books of the Bible, with commentary from discussions between all adult members of Congregation Beth Lechem near Columbia, South Carolina.
Prophets for the Whole House of Israel
Isaiah is available thus far.
Writings for the Whole House of Israel
Ruth and some of the Psalms are available thus far.
Other Related Sites
Back to the Ancient Path
A teaching site built by the translator. Covers the basics of Hebraic roots, what the Bible really says about controversial topics, other teaching articles, and a photo album from the Holy Land.
Congregation Beth Lechem
Deeper, meatier teachings on holiness, the Biblical Festivals, and the Temple from the translator's home congregation.
Your Arms to Israel
Teaching site from one of the founding rabbis of the Union of Two-House Messianic Congregations.
The Regathering
More on the lost sheep of the House of Israel from Norman Willis of the Nazarene sect of Judaism.
B'nai Avraham
Teaching site of the Union's Rav Ed Nydle.